Howard Elementary School

A message from our Superintendent- Dr. Maleyko

Office of the Superintendent

October 15, 2023


As we end a weekend, filled with a variety of emotions, I want to once again share a few thoughts with our community regarding the war in the Middle East.  

As I mentioned in a letter sent to all of our staff on Thursday, the unfortunate reality is that Dearborn always becomes the center of attention when there is conflict in the Middle East. However, this most recent war has brought more attention and a different level of emotion and stress to our community. There is much concern and worry about the well being of family and friends and the stress takes a toll on our own emotional well being. I offer my most heartfelt thoughts and prayers to all those who may have family members, friends, and loved ones who have died or are experiencing trauma and suffering as a result of this horrific conflict. 

Last week I shared a public statement and made a comment at the Monday, October 9th Board meeting indicating that as a school district we will have staff available and ready to assist our students that are dealing with difficult times or hardships.  For those who did not have the opportunity to see that statement, here is a link to view the post. Please feel free to subscribe to my blog for future updates regarding Dearborn Public Schools. 

We are committed to keeping our schools a safe place for all as we continue to focus on teaching and learning while being mindful of the overall climate in the buildings. It is important for the emotional well being of our children to continue providing them with the stability and routine that comes with attending school. In addition, in my Thursday message to staff members, I asked them to take a careful and empathetic approach when engaging in discussions or when supporting students regarding the current war. In the spirit of transparency, I would like to share that staff message with all of you by providing this link. 

I have had the privilege to be a part of this incredible Dearborn community for 28 years working for the Dearborn Public Schools and serving students.  I have laughed and celebrated when there was success and mourned and supported when there was sorrow. Today my heart is heavy and my soul aches for those who are suffering as a result of this war and all the terrible violence that has happened. I don’t know what the days ahead will bring but I am confident that we will stay strong, stand as one community, and together pray for peace.   

With heartfelt sincerity, 

Glenn Maleyko, Ph.D.

Superintendent of Schools
