Howard Elementary School

Kindergarten Enrollment Information

Kindergarten Round-Up Information:

Please click HERE for the Kindergarten Round-Up presentation

Kindergarten Registration:

Please click HERE for step by step detailed directions to register your child for Kindergarten.

The easiest way to register is online. Please use the link HERE to register your child for Kindergarten.

Additional Resources:

*If you have any additional questions please feel free to call Student Services at 313-495-4004

*If your child has a medical condition and you need to contact the school nurse please use the contact information below:

Joanne Abbas, RN
Phone: (313) 827-7502

*If you need to reach the principal please email her at:

Mirvat Sabbagh:

Please consider subscribing to the Howard school blog if you have not already to stay updated in real time on changes, announcements, and policies moving forward.