Howard Elementary School

Holiday Boutique 2023

The Annual Holiday Boutique will take place the week of December 11, 2023 and we need your help to make it a success!! Please see the sign up genius and consider volunteering your time to help our students shop at the boutique.

Look for the following form to come home with your child this Friday, Dec.8th. Please help your child fill it out and return it the day they will be shopping. Dates and times your child will shop at the boutique are on the sign up genius. As always we thank you for your continued support and your time!

Holiday Boutique  Happy Holidays from the Howard PTA !! Howard PTA will be sponsoring our annual Holiday Boutique from December 12-14,2023. The Holiday Boutique is an opportunity for Howard students to purchase holiday gifts for family, friends, teachers, pets and more! ALL ITEMS ARE $3.00 each (tax included). We will also be raffling off some very cool items! Raffle tickets are $1 and can be purchased at the boutique during your child’s designated shopping time. Please go over the list below and check off who your child will be shopping for and please send the list along with cash or check (made out to Howard PTA) with your child on the day they will be shopping.  As always, thank you for your continued support! 

 CHILD’S NAME:_________________________

 TEACHER’S NAME:_____________________ 

Shopping for :


Dad ________________

Brothers (ages) _____________

Sisters (ages) ______________

Grandma ____________



Friends ______________

Pets _________________

OTHER _______________________

Raffle tickets (how many) _________