Breakfast is Zaatar w/ Cheese on Pita Bread. Lunch first choice is Halal Beef Hotdog. Lunch second choice is the same, Hummus with pita bread.
Year: 2023
Parent Teacher Conferences
March Is Reading Month 2023 Calendar of Events
MIRM 2023 Calendar of events
Howard March 23′ Newsletter
Hello, Please click here for the March newsletter to read all about what is going on at Howard this month!
Martian Marathon and Running Club 2023
The Martian Marathon returns! Running club starts next week Friday, March 10th for those that have signed up for the marathon. PLEASE NOTE THE PASSWORD TO SIGN UP FOR THE MARATHON IS HOWARD23 all one word, all caps and no spaces. There was a mistake on the sheet that...
March is Reading Month Begins Tomorrow!
Hello again, When it rains, it pours! One more message for the day! A packet went home recently containing information about our Cultural Themed March is Reading Month: Reading Around the World! The packet contains a family letter, a calendar of activities, and...
March Lunch Menu
Bake Sale Friday
PTA will be having a 4th grade sponsored Bake Sale this Friday, March 3rd. The PTA is asking all 4th grade families that are able to, to please donate individually packaged items and send them in with your child on friday. All items are $1. If your child will be...
Dear Parents/Guardians, Just a friendly reminder that we are requesting that all Chromebooks be returned back to school along with their chargers (per the district’s request). We are asking that all students return Chromebooks and chargers to the classroom teacher...
Parents invited to review proposed elementary science curricula
Parents and other interested residents are invited to preview two elementary science curricula that are being piloted in the district. Amplify and PhD science program materials are currently being piloted in some schools in the district. Piloting the science...