Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. We can’t believe we only have 8 and a half school days left!! Some dates to keep in mind:
Monday, May 27th – No school
Tuesday, May 28th- Last early release of the school year, students will be dismissed at 2:25PM
Monday, June 3rd- Field Day, K-2nd grade 9:30-12:00PM 3rd-5th grade 1:00-3:30PM. Sign up genius https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D45AFA92DAAFDC70-field
Tuesday, June 4th- NO EARLY RELEASE!! Students will be dismissed at 3:55PM. 3rd grade picnic in the afternoon at York park
Wednesday, June 5th- 2nd grade picnic in the morning at York park and 4th grade picnic in the afternoon at York park
Thursday, June 6th- 5th grade promotion ceremony 9:30-11:00AM, 1st grade picnic in the afternoon at York Park, Kindergarten picnic 1:30-3:30 at the kinder playground.
Friday, June 7th- Half day for all students, dismissal at 12:05PM. 5th grade picnic in the morning at York park.