Howard Elementary School

School News

Kindergarten Round-Up Coming Soon!

Incoming Howard Dragons, Mark your calendars! We will be hosting our Kindergarten Round-Up on Monday, April 22nd, 2024 from 10:00 AM – 11: 00 AM! More information regarding our Kindergarten Round-Up will be shared once available. CLICK HERE for more information...

Art Club

A message from Ms. Stafford; Hi there Howard families!  It's been such a joy to spend some extra time with your students after school. I appreciate their interest and participation on a weekly basis. Sadly, this first cohort's time has come to an end. The last...

Bake Sale & Donuts with Grownups reminder

We will be having our 4th grade sponsored bake sale tomorrow, Feb. 15th towards the end of the day. All items will be $1. The PTA is asking for 4th grade families that are able to, to please donate individually packaged items such as chips, crackers, cookies, granola...

Detroit Pistons fundraiser

We have the opportunity to raise some money for our school and go to a basketball game all at the same time!! Scan the QR code to purchase tickets to attend the Pistons game on Friday, March 1st against the Cleveland Cavaliers. For every ticket sold we get $5 back. If...

Millage renewal- Vote on February 27th!

Voting on the Operating Millage has started! Get 2 to Vote encourages voting in Feb. 27 election While the presidential primary is not officially until Feb. 27, voters can already start casting absentee ballots. Those ballots include a question asking voters to renew...