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Welcome to our school!
Parent/PTA meeting tomorrow March 14th at 9:15AM We will have a guest speaker discussing the following: Social Media + Gaming: The hidden impact on our youth. We will be discussing the impact technology (ex. gaming, social media) can have on our students...
Fifth grade parents interested in learning more about STEM Middle School's admission process for next year are encouraged to visit STEM's Admission Information page. The page has more details about admission criteria and the timeline for this spring. STEM Middle...
First Choice is Mac and Cheese
Our 3rd grade sponsored bake sale is tomorrow, March 6th. The PTA is asking all 3rd grade families that can, to please donate individually packaged items. All students will get an opportunity to purchase items towards the end of the day. All items will be sold for $1....
Hello Howard Families, Please click here for the March newsletter, and get all the Howard news, announcements and important dates!
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