Howard Elementary School

Count Day is Wednesday, October 4th

Hello Howard Families,

It is especially important that students attend school on Wednesday, October 4th for Count Day!

What is the meaning of count day in school?

Count days are designated days when Michigan’s schools take attendance to determine the number of students they serve. All public schools in Michigan tally the number of students attending their schools and help determine the school district’s budget. It is very important that all students attend school and are on time. We look forward to seeing you all our students on October 4th!

October 4th is also our Crunch Day!

October is National Farm to School Month and we would like our Howard Dragons to celebrate by participating in the Great Lakes Apple Crunch.  The GLAC celebrates Michigan farmers, healthy kids and strong communities.

Participation in the crunch is simple: 

-Send students to school on Wednesday, October 4, 2023

– Students “CRUNCH” into locally grown apples 

– Students in every classroom grab an apple and all take a bite/crunch at the same time! 

– Teacher counts down: 3-2-1- CRUNCH!