Howard Elementary School

Staff updates and survey results

August 27th, 2024

Dear Howard Parents,

It has been a pleasure to welcome back our students, staff, and families! The voices of our Howard students have filled our hallways and classrooms with so much love! We know it has been a warm couple of days; the staff has been working hard to do what they can to help. Thank you for your support and patience, too.  Before we know it, we will have sweater weather!


  • I wanted to take this opportunity to share our “Meet the Howard Staff Presentation” so you can learn more about our AWESOME STAFF.  The new year comes with new faces, as you will see in the presentation! Please click on the link to view.Meet the Howard Staff Presentation
  • Additionally, we have some changes in the roles of some of our staff. We have increased support staff services.  The staff below are in leadership roles; students may have one or more support staff co-teaching alongside their classroom teacher.  This is an excellent benefit to ALL of our students and staff!
  • Updates in Roles:
    • Ms. Marika Anthony, formerly the Part-Time Title 1 Resource Teacher, has transitioned to a  Full-Time Instructional Coach.
    • Ms. Kadeeja Mohamed, formerly the kindergarten teacher, has transitioned to a Full-Time English Language Development Specialist position (this was formerly a part-time position at Howard).
    • Ms. Mona Hojaij, formerly a third-grade Howard teacher, has transitioned to a Full-Time Title 1 Resource Teacher (this was formerly a part-time position at Howard). 


  •   Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey last school year.  The Howard staff has reviewed the survey results, and we appreciate the feedback. 
  • Based on the survey results, the staff have come up with the Action Plan Below:
  • Student council representatives will share their class’s ideas with the Howard Happenings committee, which will increase student input in school decision-making. 
  • Establish a student “Kindness Squad” to support students and promote an increased positive environment.
  • The social worker will push into classrooms to implement lessons focused on stress management skills.