Give your old spiritwear new life! Does your spiritwear no longer fit? Donate your outgrown but gently used spiritwear. Drop off Howard gear in a donation box across from the cafeteria. We will be collecting spiritwear until the end of February. Afterwards, we...
School News
Reminder: No School Monday
No school Monday, February 17th - Presidents' Day.
Donuts with Grownups
Please join us this Friday, February 14th, 2025 for a special morning where our students get to spend time with their favorite grownups! The PTA Sponsored Donuts with Grownups! Drop in anytime between 9:15-9:45 AM for students in grades K-2 and/or 9:50-10:20 AM for...
Parent/PTA meeting tomorrow Feb.11th
Hello Howard families. Join us for a parent/PTA meeting tomorrow, February 11th at 9:15am in the cafeteria. Ms. Mona Hojaij will be discussing I-ready testing and how to better understand family home reports and assessment diagnostics. The PTA will be discussing...
Lunch Menu Change for Monday and Tuesday
Monday First choice is Halal Hamburger. Second choice is Zaatar and Labneh with pita bread. Tuesday First choice is Cheese Pizza. Second choice will be Yogurt Parfait.
Skating Tonight, No School Tomorrow, and 100th day of School
Hello parents, As you may have been notified already, there will be no school tomorrow due to expected icy conditions. With that being said, it is a perfect evening to join our schools rollerskating event tonight, which starts at 6:00 PM and ends at 8:30 PM. The icy...
Friendship Gram Fundraiser
Friendship gram sales have begun!! Your child should have came home with the attached form by now. Order by Friday, February 7, 2025 Friendship Grams will be delivered on Friday, February 14,2025 Price: $1 per Friendship Gram (a vinyl sticker decal will come with each...
Lunch Menu Change for 2/5/25
First choice is Halal Beef Taco. Second choice is Chicken Nuggets.
Reminder- Family Fun Night is tomorrow!!
Howard will be having our very own private Minion Glow Skate party on Wednesday, Feb. 5th from 6:00-8:30 PM at United Skates of America. See flyer for more info. Join us for some skating fun, games, music and more. 100% of admissions will be paid back to our school!...
Nominations open for Teacher of the Year Awards
Nominations have now opened for the 2025 Alberta Muirhead Teacher of the Year Students’ Choice Award. This annual award is sponsored by the Dearborn Area Chamber of Commerce and presented by LaFontaine Automotive Group. The nomination deadline is Friday,...