Howard Elementary School

School News

Fall Picture Retakes

Hello, Tomorrow is picture retake day. If your child was absent on the original day, they will have the opportunity to take their picture tomorrow. Students who would like to retake their original Fall pictures will need to bring those pictures and hand them to the...

Parent Teacher Conferences

Hello Howard Families, This is a reminder that our first round of Parent-Teacher Conferences is taking place today. We kindly ask all families to check in at the front entrance before proceeding to their student’s classroom. All families are required to enter and exit...

World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day is this Wednesday, November 13th.  Here at Howard, we have our very own Kindness Club!! Join us on Wednesday in the cafeteria for a Parent/PTA meeting at 9:15 am  Our students in the Kindness Club will introduce themselves and tell us all...

Technology Home Needs Survey

Please click on the following link to fill out a survey : Hello Howard Families, In case of an unexpected school closure such as a water main break or a power outage and the need to switch to remote learning, we would like to have a...

Yearbook Orders

Hello Howard Families, It is time to pre order your yearbook. Howard Elementary School - 33936 -14608225-mail Flyer - EVTJPS4BTDownload Thank you

Pink Out!

This Pink October, let's stand together in the fight against breast cancer. Howard Elementary Student Council will be hosting a PINK OUT on Monday, October 28th!! Come in wearing everything PINK and DONATE $1 to show your support in FIGHTING CANCER!